Mr. Fingers vs. Simoncino: It’s For Real (And It’s Great)
Simoncino, you’re doing great!
…we’ve been keeping the secret for a while, but now it’s public and well – how grateful and happy we are. Mr. Ron Morelli and his L.I.E.S. imprint gave a very special twist to the “Beyond The Dance” track, out of the “Abele EP” (out way back in 2014).
Now, after almost two years, this Nick Anthony Simoncino’s gem experienced a remix treatment by no one else than the great Mr. Fingers – yes indeed, Larry Heard in person, you’ve got it right!
It was worth the wait, wasn’t it? This is such a honour.
Wanna hear the sounds? Let’s jump to the L.I.E.S. on line store:
or ask your favourite and most trusted music dealer.
Let us just refresh your memory – here’s the original tune (sounds fresh, raw and strong still, but that’s the secret of Simonicino – his music is so good and so deeply rooted in the correct heritage of club culture that timelessness is always by its side):