Nick Anthony Simoncino’s “Isole del Tramonto” is around now..!!
We were talking about that, now it’s real & it’s happening – the vinyl has finally arrived and it’s ready to go! You may know the story: the legendary, mysterious and well-reverred Vibraphone Records is back into the game, after years and years of silence.
And fact is, our Nick Anthony Simoncino is their very first release out of the magic The True Underground Sound Of Rome circle.
A honour of its own.
The title? “Isole Del Tramonto” – which actually means “Sunset Islands” in Italian.
Simoncino delivers some dreamy and deep sonic adventures where textures really charm and seduce effortlessly.
Bear in mind, everything conceived and played using old school analog synthesisers and drum machines.
This is how it works with him, if you’re familiar with his musica and his attitude: you have to do it the right way, you have to do it the real way… where the roots of the music we all love are based.
So ladies&gents please support, if you feel like. Vinyl’s around.
If you ask us, we’re quite sure you won’t be disappointed…